September 11 Tweaks and Mac


  1. Fix unaligned Menu font
  2. Added Taiko hit sound
  3. [internal] mod are now Audio Stream (for portablilty)
  4. Added a spectrum analyzer for menu and play
  5. Fixed Selection line sometimes having wrong notation on menu screen
  6. Play scene and Song selection menu is now nicer
  7. Faster and neater finish screen
  8. Added options to hide some of the color tracks (requested by Nico)
  9. Added Fractional Full-screen option (requested by Ever)
  10. All songs are with duration now
  11. Now also release with Linux/bsd and MacOS version along with Windows


  1. 修復選單字體未對齊的問題
  2. 新增太鼓擊打音效
  3. [內部] mod現在是音訊串流(為了可移植性)
  4. 添加頻譜分析儀用於選單和播放
  5. 修正了選擇行有時在選單畫面上有錯誤符號的問題
  6. 播放場景和歌曲選擇選單現在更好了
  7. 更快更整潔的完成畫面
  8. 新增了隱藏部分顏色軌跡的選項(Nico要求)
  9. 新增了部分全螢幕選項(Ever要求)
  10. 現在所有歌曲都有時長
  11. 現在除了 Windows 版本外,也一起發布 Linux/bsd 和 MacOS 版本

New Song:

昭和少女Twinkles(Short) by GX-Strike

Files 113 MB
7 days ago 165 MB
7 days ago 106 MB
7 days ago

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